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May 26, 2010

Another surprise

I love making surprise to Mr. Z.
It's one way for me to implicitly tell him how much I love him.
So I sent him a box of baby cupcakes.
He was happy and he thanked me for that cute little things. Thanks to Cupcake Dazzle for that scrumptious cupcakes. Mr. Z likes it so much!

Picture courtesy from Cupcake Dazzle

Sometimes we need to have surprises in a relationship, especially for those who are having a long distance relationship, like me. I just hope that I could be the best for him.

Oh yes. I'm still working on the editing thingy for my dinner pics. I'll tell you about my last dinner later, when I'm finished my editing. I'm a bit busy right now. So many courses to be attended.

Nite everyone.

Hugs and Kisses,

Align Center

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