Akmar loves Hafiz who loves Akmar

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

The greatest gift ever

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


July 04, 2009


I love him so much...

But why he keeps on treating me this way?

Am I have nothing to do in his life?

I wish I could turn back time..the time when he was so sweet and nice to me..

Not only in front of others but also in front of me...

I miss the moment when he wish me good morning and good night every single day...

I miss the moment when he asked me out for dates...and told me how pretty I am..

I miss his compliments........

Really miss those moments....

But why these 2 years really hurt me badly?

How much longer can I stand?

Should I find somebody else?

No I couldn't because it's not easy to find someone that we really love...

And to find someone that loves me the way I am...

Or maybe I had to accept that I was born as a giving machine that has no feeling at all?

I hope one day he'll realize that I LOVE HIM with all my heart and soul...

Please God help me..

0 babbles: