Akmar loves Hafiz who loves Akmar

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

The greatest gift ever

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


August 01, 2008



I'm sorry because there was no update last night..i was so tired and my shift ended at 10 p.m. Yesterday was my second day making ice-cream..and it was much more fun than the day before as the customers were less..i never knew that i'm good at making ice-cream before..well at least i know something that i'm good at..

Most of the Chinese and Indian customers like me so much..you know why? because they said that i'm sweet and no wonder i'm selling the ice-cream..and there was one Chinese uncle came three times to buy Vanilla sundae cone..he said that he likes big eyes..and he said that i'm sweet..haha.. i never noticed that before..and the was one Chines girl girl came just wanted to say about my tudung..

Chinese girl: Amoi..u punya tudung banyak cantik lor..tak sama macam other malay pakai..
Me: uuhhh..really?Thanks..

So after this, pakailah selendang Arab like me..=')(haha..promote sikit)..Sape cakap yang pakai tudung tu tak cantik??so saya menyeru agar kamu yang masih tidak memakai tudung tu..pakailah tudung..tak salah pun pakai tudung..biarlah if tak cantik pun, asalkan cantik di sisi Allah,kan?tu yang paling penting, right?and in fact, menutup aurat lagi..sedar-sedar lah ye..kiamat sudah semakin hampir..tak takut ke?

Tapi kan ada juga customer yang gatal..bought an ice-cream and when i gave his change, he gave me his card and wanted me to call him..ewww!!kalau handsome tak pe juga..my b is 1 million times handsome than him!

But overall..i love working at the dessert counter.. love it so much!!but i have problem to close the McFlurry's cap...huu~and i don't like making the choco top ice-cream..and also, i hate it when the customer changed their order once i had total everything..it makes overring!!and i had to call the manager to solve it..haih~

Ok..till then~

1 babbles:

Q said...

owh mate bulat?? kalau mate sepet adakah dikategorikan sbgai comel???