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January 04, 2011

A two timer?

NO. I'm not like that. I should be happy. Yes..I should. Not trying to become so mean here. I need time to rest my mind from that culprit....which of course, I don't know who..but I guess she's a chicken. She never picked up when I call her... Hello kawan, tak payah la nak hantar messages macam tu. Saya malas nak layan sebab kalau saya fire back, he will totally mad at me. Thanks awak yang lagi sorang tu. I'm happy. Sekarang ni act normal...Tapi saya bagitahu dia apa saya buat. I'm not considered as cheating kan? Ahhh...mengarut sudah..Love's suck.

By the way, tadi telah ke HKL. Sangat ramai orang ye uolss.. Taubat dah nak g hospital kerajaan.By the way, thanks doctor for the injection. I'm feeling better now. Tapi kedua-dua belah tangan ku telah lebam. Hari-hari doktor ambil darah..Pemurah kan saya? Huahuahua.

Hopefully tomorrow will be getting better.

Hugs and kisses,

3 babbles:

AnEs said...

babe,u kene kacau lagi ke?

Shaofie said...

jemput join segmen dekat blog. mudah je. hehehe.


Akmar Amon said...

Anes: Yeah..sort of...T_T