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November 07, 2010

Photoshoot- Part 3

I am now watching P. Ramlee's movie : Do Re Mi. This is like hundreds time I'm watching this movie. But still, I love this movie. I love all of his masterpieces. It's awesome!!

Oh, I'm baking a cake by the way. Just a plain butter cake with a plain chocolate topping. Lama tau mak tak buat cake you olz!! Maklumlah...living alone in the city, rumah pun serba kekurangan...so malas nak buat pape yang berkaitan dengan my only skill. Ececece....

Tomorrow will be back to where I belong. Huahuahua. Rasanya nak gerak pagi-pagi. Takut jam. Agak-agak kalau drop by kat rumah encik boify, die nak jumpe mak tak? Hope so.

Just want to share photos for my previous entry. Layanzzz!!

Cuz we are so sweet.....

Forever will be sisters, right?


I love this one!!

Green green grass...


After a so-called-hiking..

Through the window...

Love this masterpiece too=)

There's a world behind the wall....

Flowers are everywhere..

Us again...heart this photo..

Can you count the birds?

Flight of stairs...

Me, sengal again....hehe..

Photographer: My beloved Zaffan Zaini
Location : Melaka
Talent: Me, Zaffira Zaini and La Dolce Nadia

Hugs and kisses,

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