Akmar loves Hafiz who loves Akmar

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September 19, 2010

It's not the same...

My day won't be the same without him. He is miles away from me.

Dear, I'm going to miss the comforting words of love and encouragement you give me every single morning before I start my day. And the words I LOVE YOU really mean so much to me.

I know that my whole week won't be the same. It's different. Totally different. I'm colourless, empty. I have no mood to attend any of our friends' wedding and open houses. Without you I'm lifeless. I'm weak. I'm pathetic. Mr. Time..could you please fly faster than usual?

Owh..nobody understands how much I miss you. Have fun sayang. I'm going to miss you.

May Allah protects you. Hope that you'll have a safe journey. Amin.

Hugs and kisses,

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