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May 11, 2010

Roti canai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yezza! At last I can speak CLEARLY and I can chew! Yes Sunshines, I can chew! Syukur, Alhamdulillah. I had my first normal meal this morning for breakfast- roti canai telur. *Cikmai called it as normal sebab dah banyak hari Cikmai makan bubur* I've been waiting for this moment for ages! Ages??? 3 days waiting was like 3 years. Very-the-lama, okay?

Thought of having rice for dinner at Sri Budi. Rindu sangat nak makan nasi. Sangat rindu. Guys, malam ni nak makan di situ lagi ke? I tak kisah...Asalkan dapat tengok Afdlin yang chub-chub tu. Wee~

Well..Actually saya bersyukur sebab dapat sakit gigi ni. Because of sakit gigi, saya dapat rasa betapa bestnya nikmat makan itu. Kenapalah selama ni saya mengada-ngada tak nak makan? Owh...how stupid I am because I didn't appreciate that before.

Next mission: Now I can eat almost all kind of meal..Perut pun tak lapar lagi. Kepala pun tak sakit lagi. So..boleh study. Study hard!!!! It's time to totally kick ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hugs and Kisses,

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