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February 26, 2010

A rabbit!

Hi everyone! What a beautiful Friday morning with clear blue sky and the birds are singing everywhere. It seems like the birds had already eaten my stress away. Thanks little birdies!

Before I start my rambling thingy, I would like to apologize to all of you because I really don't have time to update my blog recently. I have workloads to be settled even during weekends. Who says it is easy to be a teacher? Nowadays teacher has many responsibilities, not only in class but also outside class. But I never regret of choosing this as my career.

Okay, what I would like to share with you is something that happened during my English class with Year 3 pupils. I was introducing to them the sentence pattern showing possessive adjectives. And this is what happened. I gave explanation to them when to use "my", "her", "his" and "their". I gave them very details explanation with interesting examples. It was like 10 times I kept on stressing on the sentence pattern. But it ended up like this when I wanted to check their understandings :

Me: Okay class...repeat after me.
Sofia has a rabbit.
Pupils: Sofia has a rabbit.
Me: Her rabbit has soft fur. ( Keep on stressing on "her" and relates it with Sofia)
Pupils: Her rabbit has soft fur.
Me: Class remember.....we use "her" rabbit because Sofia is a.........................
Pupils: A rabbit.
Me: Ha? Class.. because Sofia is a ............................
Pupils: A rabbit, teacher.
Me: Sigh (T_T)

I didn't know how to react at that time..to laugh or to get mad. Haih~ See how fun and challenging teaching is.

0 babbles: