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January 13, 2010

Book Talking

I have a list of books that I'm going to purchase. Erm.....it's not consider as wasting money isn't it?
Okay..here is the list:

♥A collection of all 4 novels from Mitch Albom:
-Have A Little Faith
-Tuesdays With Morrrie (I already had this one but one of my friends borrowed it and she hasn't return it yet)
-For One More Day (Already read this also..but need it for my collection..I love Mitch Albom)
-The Five People You Meet In Heaven
♥A Book of Tomorrow by Cecelia Ahern.

Have to buy it..HAVE TO. *Cepatlah balik rumah..tak tau nak beli buku ni kat celah mana di Terengganu ni..*

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