Last night I went out with few of my friends. We went for a bowling game which unfortunately didn't happen. All the lanes were full and there were other people still waiting for their turn. We were waiting for an hour *I guess* and at last, turned out disappointingly. Poor my friends. Last night was the 4th time they went there and didn't get any chance to play. Then we went for a dinner at Cili Padi.* sambil menonton Nur Kasih. Saya tak follow cerita ni sebab tak suka drama melayu as plotnya sort of like slow. Just wondering kenapa kawan-kawan saya, even the guys, suka sangat tengok cerita ni. hmmmmm..* After finished our meal, we were discussing on where to go next. Haniff wanted to go to Uptown, then we all agreed. So we drove to Uptown and guess what?? Uptown closed!!*damn*
This is Terengganu. This is the reality of Terengganu. No place to hang out, no entertainment. Nothing. *except batik kat Pasar kedai Payang..wee~* Before saya selalu terfikir kenapa even Terengganu is one of the richest states in Malaysia..Tapi at the same time, tahap kemiskinan kat Terengganu pun tinggi juga. In fact masalah sosial pun sama. What I mean is dalam kes penyalahgunaan dadah, Terengganu adalah antara negeri yang mempunyai banyak case dadah. In my point of view, this case happened because kat Terengganu ni kurang entertainment such as cinema, mall and so on and so forth. jadi remaja-remaja kat sini lebih cenderung untuk mengambil dadah sebagai salah satu hiburan mereka. Once a person dah terlibat dengan dadah, masalah lain juga cenderung untuk berlaku. Betul tak? So saya rasa someone should step forward and buat sesuatu bagi mengatasi masalah kat Terengganu ni. Bagi saya, Terengganu ni kalau sekadar nak melawat...oklah kot..Tapi kalau nak tinggal sini..tak mungkin. Okay..Till then~

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