Akmar loves Hafiz who loves Akmar

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

The greatest gift ever

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


January 20, 2009

Thanks Dear

Saya sudah tak sabar tunggu hadiah saya sampai. Thanks dear for the belated birthday present cum becoming 3rd year anni present. Encik Zaffan memang suka buat surprises. Nak tengok tak hadiah saya?

See..cantik kan?LC Multipatch Crossbody handbag. Very hard to get tau. Thanks dear. Thank you so much. Thanks for being my shoulder to cry. Thanks sebab selalu tolong saya dalam my study dulu and my life. Thanks for being so supportive and thanks for being so concern about trouble that i'd gone through. Without you, saya tak tahu pada siapa saya nak mengadu. Thanks dear. Just nak dear tahu that for me, present is not that important as your attention towards me. All i really want is that you will always love me, care for me and i really hope that we will spend our life together,forever. Susah atau senang, we will help each other. Right dear?

By the way, saya ada interview di Burger King esok. Saya just pergi je. Cuba-cuba nasib and nak mengisi masa lapang yang boring ni. Wish me luck tau.

Till then, assalamualaikum..