Akmar loves Hafiz who loves Akmar

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

The greatest gift ever

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


December 21, 2009

V i c t o r y

After struggling, my dear Anez at last managed to get that gorgeous Indian cotton for me. Well I could say that this is one of my victory in shopping. Sebelum ni selalu juga berebut barang dengan shopper yang lain tapi biasanya kecundang. Maybe because strategy I tak mantap kot. Nak tengok my victory?

Sangat lah gojes bukan?Soft colour yang sangat sesuai dengan I yang soft ni..*Ahaks! Perasan abes!!* Gratitude is extended to you, darl. Cepat la balik sayang..Wee~

p/s: Sedang tunggu kain kebaya ayu gojes dari Indonesia juga...

2 babbles:

AnEs said...

hahaha..babe, tggu i blk..the real kain is 1000x better than this l0usy picture taken from my hp camera..hahaha

Akmar Amon said...

aiseh..it's okay...yg penting..gojes!!