One year had already gone... Forever. Wow!! It's so hard to believe that this is going to be my last entry for this year. Never thought that a year could be so fast. Phew~A lot of things did happened in 2009..I could consider 2009 as the most difficult year for me. I went through too many things this year, well mostly my hard times. From dilemma in choosing the right career for me to my love life. Frankly, I learned from my mistakes. A lot. From being a good daughter to a good wife-to-be, InsyaAllah.
Speaking about New Year, I bet most of you had already have your own 2010 resolution. Hah! The typical topic of English essay for every first week at school. Asking me? Erm..I'm still thinking about it. It's not that I don't have any, but then some of my 2009 resolutions are...well...still not accomplished. Meaning that I have to bring forward my last year resolutions to 2010. Bolehkan?
But I have to make new Wishlist for this 2010. And I already had a list for it.
At least 5k savings in my account
A credit card
A pair of Stuart Weitzman
Trip to Aussie or India or Phuket
Not too much. Strive for it Cikmai!! Happy New Year everyone! God bless!:)
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