Akmar loves Hafiz who loves Akmar

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

The greatest gift ever

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


October 15, 2008



It's been a long time since my last update,right?Reasons why i'm too lazy to update:
  1. I'm busy with my job
  2. My job makes me extra tired
  3. There's no telephone in my house meaning that no fixed line. So, no internet. Semua orang sudah pakai handphonelah..
  4. Internet connection yang kurang mantap di kawasan kampung..haih~
Puas hati?huu..Tadi after finished teaching, saya teringatkan my friends. Wonder how they are right now..I really want to hang out with them and spend our money for shopping, movies and food, like we always did back in college. But do they also thinking of me when i was thinking about them? No one knows. I miss them so much!!

See...Merekalah insan-insan yang saya rindui..From left Ila, Dilla, Me, Wawa and Ana. Gambar ni was taken time Part 6 during MPG party at Sheraton Subang..
Message for all the girls in that photo : Korang!!!!!Datanglah raya my house!!!!!!

Till Then~

2 babbles:

Anonymous said...

So good......

Anonymous said...

hai boleh berkenalan? kalau nak email me at sentiasa_segar@yahoo.com k. M name is spelt mohd yassin,
c u