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October 05, 2008

It's Complicated!!!

This is my second post for today. I just can't start blogging because if i did, i just can't stop. My life is getting better, i guess. I have a job (even it's temporary, but i'm glad) and my relationship is getting better too. Weird isn't it? I just confessed that i hate guys but then i've a guy in my life, again. It's complicated! Have you ever heard a song by Stacie Orrico entitled Stuck?it sounds like this "I hate you but i love you, i can't stop thinking of you..and it's true,i'm stuck on you"..that's my situation right now.
I just broke up with him last two weeks because one reason that i think i shouold get mad about it. And i started to remember all those things that i did just to get his love. Albeit i got nothing but i still dying for his love (sounds so jiwang, is it?). Well that's me. I'll do anything for him. In return, i just want him to love me as much as i do love him. Is it too difficult not to hurt me? And that's why i broke up with him. This isn't the first time i decided to break up with him after all. But somehow......i can't...He always win..Hmmm...maybe this is my destiny..maybe dah memang jodoh saya dengan dia kot. Gaduh macam mana pun, bertekak macam mana pun, break macam mana pun, at the end back together again. Kalau dah jodoh kan? hmm...life is just complicated..
Ok then..

0 babbles: