Akmar loves Hafiz who loves Akmar

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The greatest gift ever

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


October 09, 2013

When we talk about baby...

A baby is a miracle. A precious gift from God, made from the seed of love between husband and wife..Ahhhhhhh! Babies are always cute. They don't need fake lashes, 2 inches make up or maybe lenses to look cute. And they smell so nice!! Always!

I have a new hobby now..browsing through baby pictures and dreaming that mine will be cute and beautiful too. Sebenarnya that's one of the things that the doctor asked me to do...yelah..nak hilangkan rasa trauma dan takut lepas miscarriage kan..So bila tengok gambar baby..rasa semangat je nak mengandung..pastu rasa kuat nak lawan sickness yang melampau ni..boleh?

Anyways, congrats to my bff Puan Dilla kerana telah selamat melahirkan seorang bayi perempuan yang sangat comel last Friday. Acik Akma rasa nak culik awak bawak balik rumah je tau tak sebab awak comel melampau! And your hair is so thick! Hitam berkilat dan sangat cantik! I hope by this time awak dah ada nama dah tau..for the moment, I just call her "Anak dara". Hihi.

Menyesal pula kahwin lewat..kalau tak sure dah anak 2-3 orang dah. Huuu...

*We have been married for 7 months. And I am 10 weeks and 5 days pregnant. Alhamdulillah.. Semoga kali ni ada rezeki dan dipermudahkan..In shaa Allah..*

Hugs and kisses,

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