Akmar loves Hafiz who loves Akmar

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

The greatest gift ever

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


May 01, 2013

Erkkk! Ye ke?

2-3 hari ni Akma rasa macam perut ni cuba nak buat onar pastu nak cari gaduh. Rasa macam masuk angin. I think maybe because sebab tak sihat kan...demam...lepas tu makan tak ikut time..Asyik terbaring je..Dalam bas tadi memang tak tahan. Sampai je terus wek-wek. Pastu dapat melantak...Burpp! Alhamdulillah. Okay balik. Haha. Nampak sangat perut kosong masuk angin. 

Told husband and he thought of baby. Errkkkk! Ye ke??? Haha..Sabar ye abang....masih belum ada rezeki lagi. Let's pray, pray and pray. In shaa Allah...nanti ada rezeki. Amin.  :)

Hugs and kisses,

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