Akmar loves Hafiz who loves Akmar

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

The greatest gift ever

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


February 09, 2011


Hello peeps. And hello to Mr. Azhar if you ever dropped by at my tiny little room. Thanks for reading. Wee~

What I want to share here is about worklist..oppss!! Not worklist actually, it's BLACKLIST. Wooo~ scary isn't it?Lepas baca entry from my babe, Cik Dilla..tergerak hati nak semak nama dekat senarai hitam PTPTN. Even though I make payment every month, but still, I'm afraid if my name was there. Nanti tak dapat nak ke luar negara. Manalah tau kan... So I checked.....


Alhamdulillah...thanks Cik Dilla for your info.

Anyway, it's raining outside. Seriously, I'm sleepy. So I guess I should say goodbye to my workloads. Super duper "malas" virus is crawling inside me. Nothing can help me except Mr. Bed, Mrs. Pillow and Miss Blanket. Yawn~~ 

Hugs and kisses,

0 babbles: