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January 06, 2011

No, I'm not a drug addict.

Salam to all my Muslim readers and Hello to the others. I'm so sorry for the pause. I'm not feeling well. 3 times went to the clinic and last Tuesday I went to HKL, as been informed in my last post. I had bruises on both of my arms because of the blood tests. Plus, that 2 injections make my butt cramped!! And the pills that I should take everyday. It's killing me. Please doctor..could you please confirm why I'm not feeling well?

I didn't tell my parents about this. I don't want them to get worried about me. So, I won't go back home this week even though I miss my family so much. I don't want to freak them out, especially my mom, if she see those bruises.

Despite of my illness, I need to work hard at school as my workloads are overloading. I didn't use my MC and I go to school like always. No wonder I was scolded by the doctor. Orang dah bagi rehat, takmo rehat kan...kaedahnye~ There are lots of things to be settled at school. Plus, I'm the class teacher. So I need to settle my pupils' files. Need to decorate the classroom. And today, guess what? I went back home at 5 p.m. 10 hours at school isn't cool at all. Who said "cikgu-dapat-gaji-buta?". Try be a teacher, then you know.

Owh, you guys wanna see this photo? But sorry, it's not clear cause it was taken using my lousy phone camera.

Hasil balik hospital..

Doctor cakap antibodi aku sangat sangat lemah. Lagi-lagi lepas kena chicken-pox hari tu, aku sokmo sangat demam. And losing weight drastically is something that is so not cool. Haih~Tengokla ubat yang terpaksa ku telan. Kena sentiasa makan untuk elakkan ku diserang demam secara bertubi-tubi. Tu belum tambah lagi 2 biji yang ku dapat from HKL. Ubat kaler pink and oren. Dah macam drugs addict dah....Tet!! Siapa-siapa rasa nak ubat, meh la...I have abundance of stocks. Huahuahua. Oppsiie...just joking.

I'm begging to all of you. Please pray for my health. I need my energy back. My kids need their teacher to be energetic to perform the chicken dance. Thank you Sunshines for your prayers.

Nota kaki: Thanks Sara sebab datang bawa ice-cream tadi. You are so sweet. =)

Hugs and kisses,

1 babbles:

Anonymous said...

get well soon