I should be on my bed now but I couldn't force myself to sleep. I'm still waiting for him to text me and tell me that he already arrived home, SAFELY. I'm getting worried. Hey, it's raining outside. Heavily. Ya Allah, please protect him.
Oh,while we were at Jain's house, there was a toddler. So cute and adorable, I swear! Her name is Zara. And I asked him that I want him to give me a baby just like Zara. And he said..InsyaAllah sayang... of course. And I was like....... macam nak pengsan!! Eh? Motif ko nak pengsan kat rumah orang??Kekdahnye...
Dan ada lagi satu incident di rumah Jain. Jain's nenek suddenly tanya saya dan Mr. Boify, where is our child. Erk..dan saya telah melemparkan senyuman dalam bentuk blur lalu menjawab dengan sopan.. 'Nek, saya belum ada anak. Belum kahwin pun lagi.' Terlalu obvious kah wajah keibuan ku??huahuahua. Lalu nenek Jain menjawab... 'Korang (me and boify) belum kahwin ke? Ingatkan pasangan suami isteri. Mudah-mudahan menjadi.' Owh..tiba-tiba mereka yang berada di sekitar meja makan mendoakan kami. Amin...*suke...suke...mak suke.........*
Hold on..my phone's beeping. Owh, it's a message from him. Dah sampai. Alhamdulillah. Now it's time for me to sleep. Ho yeah!! Good night lovelies.
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