Akmar loves Hafiz who loves Akmar

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

The greatest gift ever

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


August 10, 2010

I ♥ them

I feel so lucky as my parents' birthday are both in August. Dad is on 9th and Mom is on 10th. For me, their birthdays are a special time to tell them how much they mean to me (of course I can tell them everyday..but hey I said SPECIAL). I didn't buy them any presents but only a wish and a promised to love them and to give them happiness as long as I'm breathing.

But of course birthday only comes once in a year..How many times dad will turn 66 and mom will turn 57? So my sister and her husband decided to throw a simple birthday bash for them at Nando's Putrajaya and then took them on the cruise. It was fun. hey, nothing is precious in this world than seeing their smiles. Their smile can light up everything!!

Happy birthday Mak and Abah..I love you both so much!!!

Nyawa saye!!

Me and beloved my mom..

Auntie and nieces

And yesterday, we had a simple birthday party at my house. Thanks to my brother and his wife. That cake was scrumptious. I ate 4 slices!!! Ngee~

To mom and dad,

This is my earnest prayer for you. May the love of Allah be with you all day through His endless, boundless grace. May He richly blessed your life with much and much happiness. I hope that you can feel deep in your heart, as your birthdays come and go, how very much you both mean to me. More than you can know. Happy birthday Mak and Abah. Akak loves you so much!!!!!

Hugs and kisses,

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