Akmar loves Hafiz who loves Akmar

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

The greatest gift ever

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


July 13, 2010

Just perfect!

Hello Lovelies! I wanted to write and tell you all how much I enjoyed my weekend with people that I love - him & his family and my best friend, Cik Dilla. How I wish I could have such weekend for every week!

First I have to thank Cik Dilla for the 5 stars accommodation. Thanks babe for everything. We were gossiping about "this" and "that" until 2.30 in the morning! Majorly about things that have to do with beauty and relationship. Babe, I learned something from you about life. You were right. People don't know things that we were facing so they can say everything without knowing how we feel. And we have to learn to be selfish because life is sometimes cruel and unfair. Thanks babe for everything. About the cleaning-the-toilet thingy, no biggie! I'm just tired of wrecking my brain to solve the very difficult level of Sudoku puzzle. So, by doing such chore, I can let my brain rest for a moment. So..no big deal darling. No worries. Already miss you, babe!

Secondly, many many thanks to him for giving me the happy and smiling hormone. I had such a great 3 days with you. Thanks for that Twilight: Eclipse movie, which I didn't expect that I was actually watching it. That movie was so the jiwang-karat meh! Never knew that vampires and werewolves are romantic. lol!

Secondly, thanks sayang for the birthday present. I love it so much!! I promise that I'll write letters to you using that pen, like what you asked for. Auwww~ very the sweet lor!

Next, thank you, thank you and thank you again sayang for our trip to FLORIA 2010. You knew I adore orchids so much! I feel like we were in the heaven of flowers! But that heaven were crowded of people and that mysterious mak cik! Dear, was the mak cik real? She's so freak and like only me and you could see that mak cik there. She reminds me of one makcik in the movie of Congkak. And one thing that I don't understand until now, why did she hold you hand???? Did you remind her about her dead ex-husband?? Scary, meh!!

Oh yes, before I forgot, many,many, many thank you to mama for letting me used her kitchen. Only God knows how nervous I was at that moment. Dear, you should tell mama that I'm going to bake a cake. But Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly. Dear, don't forget to upload the photos.

Again, my dear and babe, thank you all so much for a fabulous weekend! I haven't smiled so hard or so much in far too long! I can't wait until we get together again!

My last weekend was just perfect!

Hugs and Kisses,

2 babbles:

Unknown said...

Babe...miss u babe..dtg la lagi..i gian nak gi karoke nie...huhu

Akmar Amon said...

tu la babe! kat seremban ade gak babe! tp tunggu i buat part-time...now ade sedikit financial probs. ngee~