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May 18, 2010

Side effect, isn't it?

I do have paper tomorrow but still I have time to post this entry. Hey, blog is made as a medium to share our thoughts, feelings and moments.

What I want to share with you, Lovelies is about something that I think might help you too. I men those who had the same health problem like me. I'm now currently taking this supplement. It's Aloe Vera gel. It says that it can reduce my asthma and sinus.The bad thing is that it has short term (well I hope so) side effects. It's because of the process of discharging toxin and he germs, maybe. Anyway, now I've got lots of small pimples on my skin's surface. Although it is good, I mean it shows a sign of positive progress, but hey pimple will always be girl's No. 1 enemy. Just hang on for one more week and hoping for more progress. A positive one, of course. Oh, one thing that I realized is that I didn't sneeze in the morning. At least there's a good sign, isn't it. Oh, let me introduce to you the Aloe Vera gel. Although these pimples are killing me, but I felt comfortable as my skin didn't itchy anymore!!!!! Alhamdulillah.

Well.......everyone in my house is struggling for the next paper. We will be having the first paper of English tomorrow. I can't deny that I hate this kind of environment. It makes me so tense. Looks like I'm the only person here who don't even touch the English text book yet. I have to struggle more on the phonetics.

Hugs and Kisses,

0 babbles: