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February 13, 2010


Hi everyone!Sorry for been away for a while. I'm now at my friend's house at Kelantan. Today, I'll be going back to my grandpa's house nearby. Yay!!!
Okay..back to my topic. I'm addicted to Congkak now. well...I'm not talking about the movie. But I'm talking about a traditional Malay game named Congkak. Congkak is believed to originate from the old Malay word "congak" which means count or calculate without writing it down on paper. Congkak consists of congkak board and 98 undifferentiated seeds. The board has fourteen holes in two sets of seven, plus an additional stores for each player. For the seeds, old Malay used seeds from rubber tree or maybe a small stones. But nowadays people used marbles. Seven seeds are placed in each holes except for the stores, which remain empty. The objective of the game is simple, capturing more seeds. Each player has to control the seven holes on their side of the board, and their score is the number of seeds in their left-hand store. Well...this is congkak:

Love to play Congkak so much recently! You guys should try. It's fun!

0 babbles: