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January 06, 2010


There are 3 times when you almost always miss people a lot.

1. When you are sick
2. When it's raining
3. When you are having so much problem and you're in a mess

Well..it's now raining season in Terengganu, and I'm not feeling very well. Feeling dizzy and having running nose for almost all the time. And I have lot of things to think of at the moment- work, practical, exams (well, I have 3 months only to study), the upcoming posting (I just hope for mercy), family matters, relationship matters..you get the whole picture, don't you?

Sometimes I carry these whole things in my head and it's creepy when I get visions in form of dream when I'm trying to sleep them off. It's scary.

I could say that I'm almost in a mess even the new semester had just began. So many things to be worried of. SO MANY THINGS!

I know I just had a long holidays but...I need holidays badly. I want to see him, her, everyone that could cheer me up.

Have class now. Catch you guys later. Till then. Assalamualaikum.

0 babbles: