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January 01, 2010

The Beginning

Morning readers! Well the first entry for this year. Yay!!! I guess there are less stories in Chapter 1 of my Book of Opportunity...topic is about New Year's Day. Not much to say as I never celebrated New Year's Eve eversince I was born. Never ever went out chilling with friends, celebrated new year till morning..nope! Never. But last night I celebrated it alone with something that really hurt me..Let's not talk about it. It's so painful.

Move to my 2nd chapter of the Book. I called it as "The Beginning". The beginning of everything. For those who doesn't know, I'm recuperating but the pain is still here. I could feel that it won't be easy as I thought. Well...have to pack my stuffs. I'll post another entry later, as soon as I reached Terengganu. Till then. Assalamualaikum.

0 babbles: