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November 04, 2009

You think?

Few days ago, someone sms me asking me what am I doing at that moment. Then I said "Berblogging la..like always". The next day, that someone asked me. The conversation went like this..

"Apela tulis-tulis blog ni..."
"Kenape pulak?"
"Best ke?"

"Best la..You can share your thoughts, your stories, your feelings and everything. Why?"

"Owh..ye ke?"

"Yela...kite suke la blog"
"Nanti boleh la ajar kite tulis blog, kan?"


Well....for me..I love blogging. I really do. It's like "Blog is where your heart is". Daa~ So gediks! But yes. You can share everything with everyone through blog. I admit that sometimes it is quite difficult to make your privacy things to be published to public. But for me....it's the matter of freedom. We are free to write whatever we want, isn't it? Sometimes blog ni juga tempat kita nak luahkan rasa tidak puas hati kita about something when there is no one there to listen to us. Kan? Bukankah mata pena tu lebih tajam dari kata-kata? * Well in this case, blog tak pakai pen..we just type the words.*
Anyways, sebenarnya it depends on what you think. Ada orang yang tak suka blog. Ada yang rasa blog ni is just a medium where people want to insult others. Ada yang cakap blog ni tempat nak show off la, tu la...ni la....macam-macam. Semuanya terpulang pada individu dan diri masing-masing. Yela..rambut sama hitam, hati lain-lain. Setiap orang ada pandangan tersendiri. So....you guys decide la sendiri then..You think?
Till then~

3 babbles:

Dona said...

I'd say blog more Akmar! Bila nak turun ke Kuala Lumpur? Singgah singgah lah ke Putrajaya.

Unknown said...

Saya sokong!!

Akmar Amon said...

dona: dear..last 2 weeks baru je g konvo kunk..just now survey flight ticket tot of coming back this coming 12th but then the ticket's so expensive!tak jadi balik..just wait for this coming school holidays. thanks for your support!
dilla: thanks babe for your support.