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November 09, 2008

My nieces and nephews

Introducing my nieces and nephews:

See those kids in that photo?They are all my lovely nieces and nephews. From left: Iman, Saifullah, Farisha, Alia, Najwa, Fatihah and Danish. This photo was taken on 2nd of Syawal..Cute kan mereka ni? Same like their aunty. Ada lagi 2 orang yang missing in this photo.. They are Saifuddin and Qistina.

That's me and Qistina

This is Saifuddin..Name dia saya yang bagi..He is so cute isn't it?

Comelkan anak-anak saudara saya?Sangat sayang semuanya sekali!!Mereka pun sangat rapat dengan saya. Rindunya!!!

Till then~

3 babbles:

cikgu_sipil said...

Saifuddin...? hehehe...nasib baik xletak double f, double e kat name 2...huhuhu..anyway mmg comei ank2 saudara u sume 2...hehehe..lagi2 Saifuddin 2....(huahua..)...p

Anonymous said...

u look macam collegue aja dgn your students in your nice kebaya.

Akmar Amon said...

@cikgu_sipil: name tu sempena your name..haha
@kak jee: thanks..anyway,ade ym tak?