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August 02, 2008

The Hard Time..


Ever wondered that life would be as tough as it can be? Yes..i'm facing it now..Now i know that life is not easy..it can be damn hard!Right now i think i'm having a dog's life..haha..miserable, unfortunate and wretched!!!

My dad said that my life is going to be completed soon.."You have your degree and you have a loving boyfriend..All you need is a GOOD job to make your life complete", he told me..
Yes, a job! I have a job now..But only a fastfood restaurant crew..it's not that i don't like the job..i love it so much..i have new friends..i can make ice-cream...it just that i don't earn much working there..i'm quite not satisfied with the wages..i work so hard but i get paid less..well, what do you expect?i'm just a human being afterall...

But yesterday the manager called me..she wanted to recommend me to be one of the manager team at McDonald's..They just realized that i have degree in Foodservice Management..Being a Manager at McDonald's is just like being a supervisor..it's still not that bad but i need more!!huuu~I'm still thinking about it..and i'm in dilemma..
God please help me!!!Someone please help me!!!

Till then~

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