Last night before i went to sleep, saya teringat akan teman-teman rapat saya sewaktu di sekolah rendah dahulu. I'm the type of girls yang tak mempunyai ramai kawan..My best friends ada 2 orang, Linda and Syuhada.. Among the three of us, Linda and Syuhada is the most prettiest..and people thought they were twins..Kami selalu bersama..Berbasikal bersama..Ke sekolah petang bersama...until i was in standard 5, Syuhada had to move to London..I was very sad at that moment..And pada hari terakhir dia di Mlaysia, kami berjumpa di belakang kedai and i gave her present, which was a little gray bunny..and she also gave me a present but i couldn't remember what was it..(it was 11 years ago la mane nak ingat?huu~)
But i do remember that every night i cried thinking of her..until one day there was a new girl in my class, Elianez. Me, Linda and friends...Makan ABC bersama..Makan burger bersama..bergurau senda bersama...
Now, saya masih berhubung dengan Elianez and she's still my best friend,ever! But Linda...I wonder where she is now..Padahal kami tinggal satu taman..Hari tu saya ade lalu depan rumah dia..and ada angkat tangan kat dia tapi maybe the window is tinted so dia tak nampak kot it was me..
Oklah..i better get ready for work..I shouldn't be late on my first day, right?
Till then~
2 babbles:
sy sgtlah terharu nyeh
name sy ada...hihi..thanks babe..
luv u f0r always..go0d luck with ur
work..leh blanja sy..yeye!
mestilah name kamu ade..kamu kawan baik saye..wawawa...kamu blanje saye dulu, bleh?
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