Akmar loves Hafiz who loves Akmar

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

The greatest gift ever

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


June 15, 2008



Tahukah anda bahawa saye akan bertemu si dia dalam mase beberape jam lagi??ye, kami akan bertemu...tak
sabarnye..dah dekat 3 mggu tak jumpe...teramatlah rindu..huu~ye la bile kite dah mule serious dengan
seseorang tu rase macam dah tak boleh berjauhan..nak sentiase look at his face and tell him how much i do love him..

Bile nk jumpe ni mule lah tak boleh nak lelapkan mate...macam-macam bermain di fikiran.. especially what should i wear tomorrow?i should look the best right? penampilan itu tersangatlah penting..i mean saye tak la memakai make up yang tersangat tebal..just simple..ape yang penting should wear proper dress and touch up sikit..sikit je..sunblock, powder and eyeliner sudah semestinyer...then sedikit blusher and lipbalm..tapi...baju apakah yang akan saye pakai esok??this is what happened when we owned wardrobe yang tersangat penuh dengan baju..pening2..

Tapi ape2 pun..sangat tak sabar nak jumpe b...

ok...got to go..tak nak ade eyebag esok..huuu~by the way, tak nak pesan ape2 ke dekat cinta hati saye tu?=p
till then~

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