Akmar loves Hafiz who loves Akmar

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

The greatest gift ever

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


June 30, 2008



Hi everybody..i'm back...
Saya sudah kembali..baru sampai rumah about an hour ago..
Lambatkan..td flight delay as the weather was so bad..
Syukur Alhamdulillah sampai juga ke rumah..
I wish i could write more longer but right now my eyes can't stand anymore..
So i just replaced my picture..
Gambar tersebut baru sahaja saya upload from my cell phone...
Itu ialah saya di lobby Damai Beach Resort, Santubong...
Ada beza tak dengan gambar yang dulu??
Yela..previous pic was taken before saya 22 years old..now i'm 22..
Ok..i'll continue later..
Nak tidur sebab sangat letih berjalan non-stop 3 hari..


June 26, 2008

Kepulangan yang dinanti....


Dear bloggers...i just can't wait for someone to come back from Korea...
Guess who???Huu~Ye Farini..saya sangat tidak sabar menunggu kamu pulang..
Because..erm...tak sabar mahu mengambil iPod nano dari kamu...
Kamu rasa dia suka tak dengan hadiah saya tu?
I'm really hoping that he's gonna love it..
Nothing is more important than seeing the person that we love happy, kan?
By the way, thank you so much Farini..I owe you one..
So saya berharap agar orang yang saya tunggu tu dapat datang ke Melaka bila
sampai Malaysia nnt..dapatlah kiranya saya membawa dia round Melaka..
Oleh itu doakan saya agar mendapat kerja di sekitar Melaka, ye?

Habis cerita pasal iPod..Oh ya, esok saya akan ke Sarawak..Flight pukul 8 pagi..Saya akan menaiki MAS jadi perlulah ke KLIA secepat yang mungkin..Seawal jam 6 pg dah kena bertolak.. Maka saya perlu bangun jam 5 pagi..So..saya perlu tidur sekarang walaupun mata belum mengantuk..

By the way, to all bloggers i will be going to Sarawak for 3 days..Therefore, there will be no update..and bacalah blog lain dulu...tengoklah kalau sempat, saya post satu blog before bertolak..
*If i do have times..

Till Then~

Sakit Hati


Kadang-kadang rasa sangat sakit hati dengan sesetengah orang, kan?..
Imagine time her birthday bukan main lagi bising2 and rasanya semua orang mesti wish dia kot...then nak semua orang celebrate her birthday...bukannya nak faham keadaan orang yang busy siapkan thesis..then dah bagi cake pun bkn nak appreciate..tarik muka pulak tu..huuu~ malas nak cite lagi...cite lame...tapi time birthday saya she didn't wish me at all...
Bukannya nak hadiah ke apa, just her wish je..Yela bak kata dia "Price doesn't matter"..
Haha..Biarla...person like that don't deserve to be my friend..
Lagipun saya tak mati pun kalau dia tak de..Maklumla...dia pakai barang Roxy saya just pakai Guess je..tak hot..
mana lah layak nak jadi her friend..hahahahaha...(sangat kejam kan??)


no title~


Sudah sehari saya tak mengupdate blog saya kan?
Semalam saya jadi driver to my parents..
6 jam memandu sangat meletihkan..
Even ke Seremban pun it took about 6 hours..lama kan???
Ye la..saya drive dari rumah ke Cheng utk ambil my bro's new car..Then my dad
drive kereta abg saya..and saya drive sorang2..thank god my mom nak temankan saya...
Then dari Cheng pergi ke kilang Honda di Alor Gajah utk jumpa abang saya
yang lagi sorang sebab my dad ada hal dengan dia..
Then after about 30 minutes..sambung balik drive ke Kuala Sg. Baru untuk
hantar kereta abang saya..rehat sekejap dalam an hour...then sambung balik drive ke seremban...tapi lalu jalan dalam which means lalu Port Dickson...
Sangat lah letih...huu~
Now saya kat Seremban..baru balik shopping kat Jusco..and esok i'm going to Sarawak..
Erm...tadi my sis bagi saya birthday present..ada lagi org bagi saya hadiah..
It's a purse from Guess..i just love it!!!so sophisticated..
Hari tu saya ada tengok2 purse dekat Guess boutique with my sister tu..dah lama la jugak..
but tak sangka she bought me one!!even though bkn yang saya tengok dulu...tapi yang this one yang design baru and lagi cantik..~happy~
hmm...got to go..saya nak pergi ke Jusco lagi for my final shopping..perhaps nk
makan cake di Secret Recipe kot...huu
Till then~

June 24, 2008

Happy Birthday!!

I woke up this morning and looked at my cell phone..I received lots of messages wishing me
happy birthday..So happy when you know that there are still some persons remember your
birthday, isn't it? Albeit there is no cake or celebration but still i'm happy..I'm 22 now and i
should be more matured..and more independent..
And now i feel like i miss Shah Alam so much...I were there i can celebrate my birthday with
him and Ben...Don't worry Shah Alam..I will be there soon...
Anyway, just sing this birthday song with me..
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me,
Happy birthday to me, Akma,
Happy birthday to me..
Till then~

June 23, 2008


Kawan-kawan semua..anda nampak tak gambar di atas?

Ya..itu adalah kuih karipap yang saya buat petang semalam..

Mak saya sibuk menjahit semalam dan saya sangat bosan dan tak tahu nak buat apa..

Maka, saya pun mengupas kentang yang ada and buatlah inti karipap..

Dan kemudian saya buat dough untuk kulit dia and saya start membuat karipap..

Cantik kan kuih saya?Saya claimed tepi kuih tu sendiri..

Kemudian saya goreng beberapa biji untuk my mom and dad untuk

mereka rasa dan seperti biasa memberi markah untuk saya..

Berikut adalah markah yang berjaya saya kutip semalam...

My mom bagi saya 100% tapi my dad bg saya 84% je..alasan dia tak ada orang boleh

menandingi masakan mak saya..

Kepada sesiapa yang nak menempah kuih dengan saya, sila hubungi saya..

Ok..Till then~

June 22, 2008

Recent Update~

Sudah sekian lama saya tak mengupdate blog saya ini..Saya rasa mesti ada di antara kalian yang merindui saya, kan?(sangat perasan..haha)
Anyway, saya baru sampai rumah malam semalam..Sebelum itu saya ke rumah abang saya di area melaka juga..tapi di tepi laut..huuu~cuaca di situ tersangat panas sehingga mengelupas kulit saya..Oh ya, saya ke sana sebab isteri abang saya, which means my sister-in-law balik ke Bangkok untuk seketika bagi menguruskan hal kewarganegaraan dia..So i was there to help my bro taking care of his kids...Last night my sis-in-law balik...around 8 p.m. and guess what? she bought me a birthday present from bangkok..it's a beautiful pink dress which i just love it even though it is not in my wishlist..*wink*
Time hari Rabu hari tu kan saya balik Melaka,kan?then saya berhenti di perhentian Alor Gajah and tunggu my parents datang fetch me and pergi rumah abang together..then bila my parents arrived, mcm biasalah, saya kena jadi driver..then time letak barang kat seat blakang, i saw a present wrapped in beautiful blue wrapper..and it's for me!!!Last night baru unwrapped it..it's a cute spongebob mug..Saya sangat minat spongebob!!Thanks mak and abah..*happy*
Erm...got to go...saya perlu masak lunch...
Tak sabar tunggu hari esok sebab esok is my birthday!!!!Yay!!
Ok then~to be continued...

June 18, 2008

no title~


To all bloggers...

I am going back to Melaka today..

So there will be no update in the meantime..

Erm...sila baca blog lain dulu ye..



Birthday Wish List

Since my birthday is coming up, here is my birthday wish list:

  • Celebrate with him..perhaps a candle light dinner
  • Body Shop Spa wisdom body set
  • Collection of Mocca Band Album
  • Collection of Roald Dahl's Novel and poetry
  • A hand bag
  • A cook book
  • New Swatch
  • Gucci Rush
  • erm....Honda Jazz(ada ke orang nak bagi saya ni??)
  • A good health
  • and a job


June 17, 2008



The whole day he didn't sms me or call me...I'm so worried..
And also i'm quite down as u all know that today i'm not
feeling well..fever and vomiting..I thought he's so busy and forgot me..
But then he called me just now..And suprisingly he also not
feeling well..he had a fever and also vomited,just like me..Does this shows that we
have Chemistry?

Him: Hello b...
Me: B...b kat ne?
Him: Sy kat rumah...(with his sorrow voice)B...
Saye demam and muntah2..Sy tak sihat..
Me: B...sy pun demam..sy pun dah byk kali muntah..
same la sy..
Him: B dah g klinik ke belum..
Me: Belum..B?
Him: Dah..
Me: Doc ckp ape?
Him: Die tak cakap pape..just bg ubat je..
B dh mkn ubat ke belum?
Me: Dah b..Pukul 6 td..
Him: B take care tau..Makan ubat..
Me: k..B pun..
Him & me (serentak): Love b..
Him & me (serentak): Love u too..

Then we both laughed..

We have a strong chemistry, kan?


Love this song so much~

Colbie Caillat - Realize

Take time to realize
That your warmth is
Crashing down on me
Take time to realize
That I am on your side
Well didn't I, didn't I tell you
But I can't spell it out for you
No it's never gonna be that simple
No I can't spell it out for you

If you just realize
What I just realized
That we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other, now

Take time to realize
Oh oh, I'm on your side
Didn't I, didn't I tell you
Take time to realize
Oh oh, I'm on your side
Oh ooo oh ooo oh
But I can't spell it out for you
No it's never gonna be that simple
No I can't spell it out for you

If you just realize
What I just realized
That we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other, but

It's not the same
No it's never the same
If you don?t feel it too
If you meet me half way
If you would meet me half way
It could be the same for you

If you just realize
What I just realized
That we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other

Just realize
What I just realized
That we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other, now
Missed out on each other now
Missed out on each other now
Missed out on each other now

Tak Larat~


Kepada teman2 yang membaca blog saya ni dukacita di maklumkan saya masih terlantar di atas katil dalam keadaan yang sangat tidak larat..

Saya demam lagi..minggu lepas saya sudah demam..minggu sebelum itu juga saya demam..dan kali ini mungkin lagi teruk..saya demam and keep vomiting..tu yang membuatkan saya sangat tidak larat..

Namun saya tetap menggagahkan tulang empat kerat saya untuk turun ke dapur dan menikmati hidangan lunch saya..hari ni saya tak masak sebab sangat2 tak larat..baju pun saya tak basuh lagi..

Saya cuba sedaya upaya untuk menghabiskan sepinggan nasi walaupun saya tau saya tak mungkin menghabiskan kesemuanya. Ye..akhirnya saya gagal juga menghabiskan nasi itu..."Maafkan aku nasi kerana membuatkan kau mengangis..tapi aku betul2 tidak berdaya.."

Setelah itu, saya pergi ke bilik semula dan menunaikan tanggungjawab saya sebagai seorang hamba Illahi di muka bumi ini...Fardhu Zohor saya sempurnakan dengan tertib sekali walaupun badan ini sudah tidak tertanggung sakitnya lagi..

Selepas seketika berehat sambil merenung kipas di siling saya terus mencapai laptop saya dan memulakan process mengupdate blog..But with this kind of feeling, i couldn't capture the picture in my mind right now..so blurry..what topic should i share today?still cannot think..

Lantas saya terfikir akan keadaan saya ini..kerap demam dan kerap sangat tidak sihat..Saya teringat akan kata2 lecturer BEL 440 saya, Miss Ismie.."Dear..You are so fragile"..Yes..She's right..i am fragile because i'm sick..I don't want to see doctor anymore..But i'm grateful that God had given me this thing because He loves me..

I tell myself to think positive like what him and jo told me..I try..I promise..Tetapi pergolakan dalam dada saya ni tidak ada siapa pun yang tahu..

Need to rest..Pray for me to get well soon..


Morning sickness~

Woke up this morning with an awful feeling..my head ached so much and i feel like i want to vomit.

But i try my best to wake up from bed and get my nieces ready for school..

i couldn't stand on this kind of feeling anymore...

i feel so cold right right now..

i have a fever...



Me in my own words

As i sat alone in my dimmed bedroom, i simply stared blankly ahead at my laptop screen..where should i start? I think to myself "How am i supposed to write a bio of myself without making my private life public?This blog wasn't meant to do like that anyway, it's here as a catch-all for everything that goes through my brain. There are times when i just want to sit back and keep on writing. But sometimes when i get this picture in my mind, there's no way to capture it. So i guess with this blog of my own I get the chance to do all this and at the same time share my ideas and experiences with anyone who's interested.
Ok. So this ain't going to be a bio after all, but if i don't start writing about me, then whoever read my blog, won't even know who i really am.
Nor Akmar. That's my real name given by my beloved mom and dad. I was born on one fine Tuesday, June 24th back in 22 years ago. I wasn't born in a silver spoon family. My dad is a retired soldier and my mom is a full housewife. I have 2 elder sisters, two elder brothers and a little brother, who is still in school.
I am just a typical girl. I started schooling at the age of 6 and finished at the age of 22. 12 years of study granted me so much experiences and had teach me what is real life is all about. It had teach me about friendship, trust, determination, love, hate, to be named but a few.
I'm not a hot chick or dropped-dead gorgeous. i told u, i'm just a typical girl. I don't have a model-figure. I am truly an Asian women with height around 15+ cm and my weight is only 42 kg. My hair is black, not blonde. I have a pair of dark browned eyes and a dimple on my right cheek.
Not being a hot chick doesn't mean that u have to be single forever. No. I'm not single. My love life is complicated. But now,I do have someone special in my life. He is my everything. We are planning to get married someday after he finishes his engineering study in UiTM, the same university where i have my degree.
I love cooking. A lot. Cooking gives me a feeling of satisfaction. And i can cook..But yet, i'm still not that good. i just have to learn more and more about the art of cooking.
There are other things that preoccupy me, like my books and my lappy. I love reading English novel sometimes. My favourite one is "Tuesday with Morrie" by Mitch Albom. But i wonder where is the novel right now.=,(
I love it not because i was born on Tuesday but the story is so touching and i just love it. I also love to read Roald Dahl's pieces.
I love my lappy so much. Albeit it is not a Mac book or Vaio, it is still a laptop that helped me a lot during my study especially when i complete my thesis. Thanks lappy.
Also, i love watching movies and other girl things like shopping, traveling, perfumes, make up, clothes, shoes, shades and handbag.
I love music too. Music is such a wonderful thing; it's indescribable..I'm a musician when i was in university. I joined the marching band and i played flute. I am proud to have been gifted with the skill, though quite disappointed that i have to stop playing flute when i finish my study. My preferences for music depend on my mood;they range from oldies to pop, though i don't find any liking for rock and hip hop.
Recently I realized that I was a control freak; that I always wanted to have a sense of balance. Not really immediate balance, but at least an impression that things are going normally. I don’t like sudden disruptions to the schedule. Therefore even if I’m off to a vacation, I really need to make sure that everything is fine before I leave. Unexpected twists can really knock me off. That is the reason why now i try to maintain a very good relationship with God. Through Him i can find balance in my life. However sometimes as a human being, i think that i had know Him very well and gave me no reason to know him more. I've learned my lesson over and over again. And know i know that the time spent with Him not only makes me whole, but also it keeps me sane.
Lastly, i consider myself as a typical, ordinary girl that live a worth living. Neither i am a philosopher, nor a journalist. But perhaps i'm a thinker as sometimes i do ask myself questions, and think about the answers. I once asked myself what drives me, and realized that it was doing the things that i loved, the things that give me fulfillment and satisfaction and the things that make me happy. My happiness is derived from the real thing in my life, a loving family, a caring and loving boyfriend, good friends and of course, a great God.
There's a voice somewhere inside my head that telling me no more blog for now as it is getting late and i have to wake up early this morning.
Till then~
Good night everyone and sweet dream.

June 16, 2008



Hari ini saye sangat geram kerana saye menghadapi kesukaran untuk menghantar sms dan juga untuk membuat panggilan..bukan itu sahaja, saye juga menghadapi kesukaran untuk
menerima panggilan dari luar..keaadan menjadi bertambah sukar apabila malam bermula kira-kira jam 8..hati menjadi bertambah runsing kerana tidak dapat menerima call from him..i keep telling myself that my phone has virus and that's why it became like that...tetapi saye
amatlah tidak berpuas hati...lalu saye pun mengambil tindakan yg terakhir setelah saye beberapa kali off kan cell phone saye...i changed my network setting from 3G & GSM to GSM only...
Done! My phone is back to normal again..i can sms and make a call again...
But still i think my phone is having a problem until my brother-in-law reached home and keep complaining on his PDA...he told that he couldn't make any call as soon as he reached Seremban 2 area...then i told him that i also facing the same situation too...
Saye pun mengadvice agar he change the network setup..
And yes...his phone is normal again..
Maka, kesimpulannya, saye berpendapat bahawa line Celcom 3G di area Seremban 2 ni mengalami masalah..adakah mungkin kerana petang tadi hujan lebat dan angin bertiup agak kencang? adakah perkara tersebut memberi kesan kepada line 3G?
I don't know...but please repair it a.s.a.p..

Mayday!Mayday!we have a situation here!


no title~

Oh ye...saya hampir terlupa mahu berkongsi photo dgn kamu..
Photo ini di ambil semalam bersama si dia..
Spastic kan kami?ye..dia pun ckp kami macam spastic couple..
tak kisah la...spastic ke..or whatever..yang penting...
we care and love each other so much...
Matching kan kami??

Saat yang bahagia...


"Saat yang bahagia..datang sekejap saja..namun dalam hatiku kasih sudah menjelma...
meresap di jiwa raga..kekanda pujaan hati dinda",
kata Saloma dan P.Ramlee dalam filem masam-masam manis..huuu..i just love this song sooooo much!!!Semalam kan saye pergi bertemu si dia...untuk melepaskan rindu yang menebal ni...

I woke up from bed early and get myself done..then follow my sis and her husband..her husband dropped us at LRT Maluri..then we took a train to Bandaraya station and we split up..my sis went to shopping Sogo and Jalan Masjid India while i fetched a ktm to midvalley..as soon as i arrived at KL Sentral then i realized my cell phone was out of credit..damn~...how am i supposed to call or sms him when i reached midvalley?without wasting time..i went to the nearest public phone and called him..

Me: Hello b...Saye dah sampai kl sentral ni...b kat ne?
Him: Saye kat rumah lagi ni..
Me: Ha??dah pukul 11 ni...kan semalam janji pagi...
Him:Erk..sy ingat dalam tengah hari..
Me: B ni.....(dgn nada merajuk)
Him: Ok syg..sy kuar rumah sekarang...
Me: k..bye b...call saye selalu..i don't have credit..
Him: Ok b...

Setelah menunggu die dekat 1 and a half hour..barula die sampai..sangat lame kan?sempat la jugak saye berjalan mundar-mandir di setiap platform sambil melihat pelbagai gelagat manusia yang berbeza-beza untuk membuangkan masa... tapi tak pe..sebab i really want to see him..rindu sangat2....

Then kami ke midvalley...menonton filem Amazing Grace...best la jugak cite tu sbb it's about zaman kolonial dkt Britain..so i just love the scenery and the costumes are very nice..that's it.. tp tak tengok sampai habis because he's sleepy..then kuar awal n cari makan...before that stop kat kedai Mac...die tgk ipod...he just love it..love it so damn much...so i think i'll buy it for him soon on his birthday...i will...insyaAllah..not only ipod..i will buy anything that he want...(tapi yang saye mampu je la..takde la sampai beli rumah banglo sebijik)....my next aim..a white iPod for him..

Kemudian kami pergi makan...mula-mula kami ke the gardens..kate kakak kat situ byk jugak tempat makan..tapi last2 food court midvalley jugak menjadi pilihan kami...kerana harganya yang berpatutan..lagipun makanan di situ not bad..sedap la jugak..maklumlah...minyak kan dah naik...jadi kene lah berjimat cermat sebab kami sudah ade perancangan nak kahwin...lepas makan around 5 p.m. kami pun pulang ke destinasi masing2...sangat tak puas sebab dapat jumpe sekejap je...

Enough for now..perut pun sudah menyanyikan lagu keroncong..saye belum menikmati hidangan makan tengah hari lagi walaupun saye siap msak jam 12 tadi...saye masak simple2 je...Asam pedas ikan parang, ayam goreng dan sup sayur je...so i think i should have my lunch now..i'm starving...jemputlah makan sekali....huu~

Till then...

Friend or foe??


Today's topic..Friends or foe..very nice kan?haaa...so many experiences i get during my study at university..i just miss my campus life..my roommates...my bed...my wardrobe..my lecturers...my class...my study table...and i just miss everything...and the thing i miss the most are my friends...

Friends.......friends are second important to me when i was away from family...of course number one is him!!=)
But not all of them can be considered as FRIEND..only a few can..the rest are foes..i just figure out one more foe in my friend's list...tak sangka she's like that..i don't know why..I DON'T HATE HER at all..but sometimes i just don't like her attitudes...too childish and suke tarik muke...ingat dah cantik sangat kot..haha..but hate and don't like is something that is totally different...when i hate something i couldn't accept it no matter what...hmm...sometimes penerimaan orang lain dari kite kan?

Why i declared she as my foe???haha..because i just found out from my best friend, Babe (not a real name) that she just deleted me from her friendster's friends list..i don't want to state who's she..but..you know who...a bit upset..but..

no big deal right?it's her who don't wanna be my friend..for me, whoever deleted me from his or her friendster list meaning that he or she doesn't wanna be my friend anymore..

When that thing happened...he or she is no longer my friend but my foe...
So friends out there...think before you do something...
Till then~

June 15, 2008



Tahukah anda bahawa saye akan bertemu si dia dalam mase beberape jam lagi??ye, kami akan bertemu...tak
sabarnye..dah dekat 3 mggu tak jumpe...teramatlah rindu..huu~ye la bile kite dah mule serious dengan
seseorang tu rase macam dah tak boleh berjauhan..nak sentiase look at his face and tell him how much i do love him..

Bile nk jumpe ni mule lah tak boleh nak lelapkan mate...macam-macam bermain di fikiran.. especially what should i wear tomorrow?i should look the best right? penampilan itu tersangatlah penting..i mean saye tak la memakai make up yang tersangat tebal..just simple..ape yang penting should wear proper dress and touch up sikit..sikit je..sunblock, powder and eyeliner sudah semestinyer...then sedikit blusher and lipbalm..tapi...baju apakah yang akan saye pakai esok??this is what happened when we owned wardrobe yang tersangat penuh dengan baju..pening2..

Tapi ape2 pun..sangat tak sabar nak jumpe b...

ok...got to go..tak nak ade eyebag esok..huuu~by the way, tak nak pesan ape2 ke dekat cinta hati saye tu?=p
till then~



I'm done!!At last i do have my own blog..thanks to Kak Fiena for your helpful guide..really appreciate that..thanks my sis..so kwn2..lepas ni saye tak tulis blog kat friendster lagi kot..sebab takkan nk buat 2 blogs at a same time..serabut otak..lainlah kalau saye ni penulis yang tersangatlah berbakat seperti certain2 people kan?dan saye bukan seorang yang celik IT maka blog saye ni tidak lah sehebat blog org lain...no big deal right? blog is for ourself..tak kisah la ade org nak tengok or read our blog ke tak..kan kak fiena ku sayang?so friends out there yang celik IT dipersilakan untuk memberi tunjuk ajar to me yang baru nak belajar berblogging ni...

Ok la..nak sambung buat benda lain..continue later~