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Lilypie First Birthday tickers


September 29, 2011

It's true.

I browsed through the internet early this morning and I found something nice to share with you. It's a quote that is so damn true.

What women should know:
A man who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is.

What men should know:
A woman who truly loves you will be angry at you for so many things, but will stick around.

Don't you guys think that it's so damn true?? 

Okay then. Should be off to see a doctor now. I'm not feeling well. Bubbye!

Hugs and kisses,

September 25, 2011

Another hectic weekend.

Another hectic weekend? Err....am I a hot stuff or what? Gile perasan kottt... Actually not that hectic as last two week but still can be considered as busy. And what more important is I'm not a hot stuff, of course. Motiff???

First of all, I want to congratulate my beloved sister for her convocation yesterday. Tahniah Kak Long!! Yang konvo nye sorang..yang datang sampai 5 buah kereta. Ambik ko!!!Rombongan Cik Nah ke UKM. Huahuahua. Empunya badan yang grad biasa-biasa je...Yang tetamu pulak yang over. Berkampung bawah pokok, bentang tikar, sambil makan bekal nasi lemak yang mak masak. Although I arrived a bit late, tapi sempat la menunggu dalam 2 jam. Phew~ Lama okeyh...Naik kematu punggung ni. And yang sedih..tak banyak gambar dapat snap. No camera!! What????? Camera habis battery. OP plak ade hal..so just berharap pada camera phone. But then tadi belliau datang dan buat sikit photoshoot. Thanks sayang. Mak, kakak and abang semua suka your photos, your camera and the most important, suka you. Oppsss. Lebih-lebih plak kan?

Me with my sis..=)
Ishkkkk...Mulalah terasa nak sambung belajar ambil master kan...but I'm not sure whether I can take it or not. Sis cakap sekarang memang tak rasa macam boleh handle, but then when you go through...then you know. Hmmmm....betul jugak. Tapi..not now la. 

Not now???? What do you mean but not now??? Ada benda yang sedang merangkak ni. And I can't settle down two BIG things at the same time. So study??? Nanti la kot....huahuahua. Lagipun....kami dah set date! Phew~ Baru boleh tarik nafas lega. Memandangkan macam jauh lagi so bulan depan la hantar tempah baju..Tapi still kena jangan happy sangat. Benda masih kat tengah laut. Sekian.

Okay then. Need to sleep. Penat sangat. Tadi practice lagi. Hmm...nanti tunggu photos. Night everyone.

Hugs and kisses,

September 20, 2011

The hectic weekends story.

Assalamualaikum all.

I've been awful quiet lately. I've started my work routine and my weekends were packed with my BFF's wedding receptions. Yes, she's married!!! And I was as happy as a lark throughout the events. Times did fly so fast. I feel like it was yesterday when she said she had a boyfriend. And now, she's married!! Me? Whoa. Please don't ask. I have no answer for that. For me, my love life is like a wheel. I just couldn't say more. He's so unpredictable. And I just don't know what makes him so scared to confess. Let's just wait for a miracle. InsyaAllah. Full stop. Hey, stop talking about me la woi....It's about my BFF big day!

9th September 2011.
Mood of working already gone. I just couldn't wait to reached Ipoh as secepat as mungkin. Haha! Menggelupur. Her solemnization was after Isyak and I have to make sure that I arrived just in time. Didn't want to be late and didn't want to miss out my BFF precious moment once in a life!!! Alhamdulillah, I arrived before Maghrib. All I could say is she's so pretty as a picture. She looked so radiant. Seri pengantin memang naik. Wah...every bride will have that kind of radiant faces on their big day eh? Me want it too..huuuu~ Ngade la ko!

The period of waiting for akad nikah, she got the jitters and her both hands were sweating all the way! As I promised earlier, I will make sure that everything will be just fine. Tissue penuh dalam bag. Don't worry. Haha! The moment her hubby terima akad nikah, I had my teary eyes already. It's the tears of joys. I'm truly really happy for you. Macam aku pulakkan yang kahwin..Over~ But seriously, I'm happy.

10th September 2011
A bit busy that day. Started our hectic day with Majlis Khatam Al-quran. I joined the event. Right after that, settling things that need to be settled down before the reception. Never thought that real pengapit will be such busy. But I enjoyed it! Why? Because I always by her side every minute, every second! Ngeee~ And the event went smoothly even got small tiny matters here and there. Babe, you are so gorgeous on that day. Congratulations to both of you. I have some photos, taken from her OP, Mr. Mior. Tapi gambar reception tak ade. Just the solemnization je...

Congratulations babe!!
Heart this photo so much!!
The week after my BFF's big day, I was busy with my duty as Pengawas Peperiksaan at SJK (C) Kheow Bin. First time jaga exam. It was fun walaupun penat berdiri. Fun because I don't have to think about school matters for a while. Yay!!!

16th September 2011
Selamat Hari Malaysia everyone. Better late than never. Ngee~ We (me and BFF) getting ready for the 2nd reception at Seremban. After "tepek-tepek" inai session and we were ready for the journey. Her hubby said do whatever we want to do, so we decided to visit one of our friend, Liyana. Thanks to Liyana and husband sebab sudi entertained kami. Kalau tak, memang mati kutu, tak tahu nak buat apa. Huuu..

17th September 2011
This time, I was not busy like I was in Ipoh. Still, she's so gorgeous! And thanks to my deary sebab sudi datang Seremban and temankan I. If not, I'll be alone. Sob..sob. I had a great time there too. And the acar buah was so scrumptious. Sedaappppp!!! Rasa macam nak tapau je. Muahahahaha. Well, let the photos do the talking. Thanks Zaffan Zaini for the photos. I curik. Huahuahua.

That pretty bride is my BFF. =)
Like stairs. Us and them.=)
Iklan. Trying out the bride's shoes. Maybe I'll be the next?? 
Okay. Enough for now. Need to finish my lesson notes for tomorrow. And thanks to both of you for treating me pizza yesterday. You guys are so sweet. Wish you guys will live happily ever after. 

Hugs and kisses,

September 07, 2011

Poor My Baby..

Sebelum start pape, kite tengok gambar dulu...

Yes, that's my baby..
This incident happened on Monday, September 5th, 2011.

Alkisah..after school, menyinggah kejap ke Giant Batu Caves. Biasalah kan...baru lepas cuti ni, rumah pun out of groceries. Elok je parked my baby, seorang mamat berBMW yang parked kete sebelah baby I duk sibuk usha-usha. Mulalah nak naik perasan kan. Kahkah! Then he said " Awak, tayar belakang kete awak kurang angin la.." Then I looked at it. Damn~ Memang flat, Jah!! Then I said "Oh, okay. Thanks" Dalam hati cakap boleh tahan mamat ni..ada iras Ako Mustapha..sempat! hiii...Then ape lagi..terus blah jalan laju-laju masuk Giant. Nak settle cepat-cepat beli barang sebab hati duk risaukan "kaki" baby yang kempis. 

Dalam Giant tu nak membeli pun tak senang...hati duk teringat kat baby. Terus je call Encik Bakal, asked him what should I do. I'm not that kind of easily panic person kalau bab-bab kereta ni. Abah saya pesan, bila pasal kereta and drive a car, we have to stay calm. Bila kita stay calm, baru kita boleh fikir actions that should be taken. Alhamdulillah, nasihat abah saya ikut. Encik Bakal pula advised me untuk terus ke kedai servis tayar dan checked tyre tu...manalah tau kan kot-kot tercucuk paku ka...kan?

Settled with my task, terus bergegas ke baby. Bila nak start engine, terperasan ada kertas terselit kat wiper baby. Time-time nak cepat la ade je kan...Dalam hati ingatkan kertas iklan Ah-Long Bukit Beruntung ke ape..tengok-tengok notes from that previous BMW guy. He wrote "Jangan lupa isi angin tayar dan check tayar tu. Kalau ada anything, call my number : 019-381****. " Haa...nak kenal dgn I lettewww~ Perasan ko Jah! Ahh..tu semua tak penting. Yang penting kete aku....

Nasib la Giant tu dekat dengan kawasan bengkel-bengkel kereta kat Taman Samudera tu..Sebelum pergi cari pusat service tayar, shoot ke Petronas sebelah Giant dulu..isi angin..Nasib la tak payah nak jalan jauh-jauh nak cari pusat service tayar. Sampai je tempat dituju, terus buat muka bajet-ko-paling-comel-kat-Gombak-ni. Haha. Konon-konon nak dapat diskaun. Boleh blah Jah~ Macha tu check tyre kete I tengok-tengok ada sebatang paku dahh menusuk tayar baby. Ok. Takut sekejap. Nak kena tukau tayar ke nih?? Then macha tu cakap, ni boleh tampal je adik manis...Phew~ Lega...Dan lega juga bila macha tu cakap boleh tahan sampai tayar botak. Alhamdulillah. Luckily minor injury. Thanks Encik Mamat *I don't know your name* sebab inform me about the tyre. sekarang I takde anything, so tak payahlah I call you kan? 

Haih~ Bila ntah kena paku tu..I pun tak perasan..Bayangkan kalau I buat tak tau dengan hanya mengambil tindakan untuk isi angin je? Bayangkan kalau ke Ipoh Jumaat ni tanpa amik kisah pasal tayar? Uish~ Minta la dijauhkan. 

Hugs and kisses,

September 04, 2011


I feel like killing someone right now. But I guess, if I did that, I killed myself too.

I'm not in the mood. I mean the good mood.


Hugs and kisses,

September 03, 2011


Perlu ke title muntah-muntah gitu?? Pardon me. The writer is not feeling well past few days. Sekarang pun masih memulas-mulas perut ni. Muntah-muntah dan cirit-birit. Orang pergi beraya, I duk rumah, tergolek. Hari ni alhamdulillah..dah boleh bangun. So tadi decided to make chicken porridge for dinner. Maklumlah...kampung I takde McD yang berdekatan...Sob..sob...

Bubur ayam Cikmai..=)
Sakit pun sakit jugak...Tapi tekak ni tetap mengada-ngada..Oklah..it's time to bake a cake. See ya soon. Muah ! Muah !

Esok will be back to KL..Malasnya!!!!!

Hugs and kisses,