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March 31, 2010

I ♥ school

I never thought that eventually and unexpectedly I am going to spend the rest of my life (well..I could say) at school. I still remember when I was a kid, I was like counting days to finish school. Why? Because I hate school. School sucks! I have to attend and participate in so many things. Every each day passed by, I kept on thinking of why I should spend most of times at school instead of having fun at home?
But now things are not going to be the same anymore. School is part of my life now. I love school. I love everything about school..From the food (well..at least cheaper than outside's) to the pupils. Well not that everything, actually. But the point is I started to love school more than I do before. Hey, at least I DO love school. What about you?
Only two weeks left. Hurm....hoping that everything will be just fine.
Dear Mr. Sun, please shine down on me.

March 27, 2010

Le Papillon

This song is so cute! Love it so much!

Nak gelak guling-guling!!

I just discovered something funny! Google sangat pandai membuat translation Malay- English...I tried to translate entry saya yang saya tulis in Malay. It's hilarious! Jom gelak guling-guling!

I wrote:
Dahlah masa saya hantar baju tu dia ada cakap benda yang agak laser la jugak. But I took it as a joke because kau orang tua. Boleh pulak dia mempersendakan kain cotton India saya. Dia tanya saya memang suka kain cotton ke, then I said yes. Yela..kain licin susah..Nak kena iron la...nak kena basuh tangan la....Tapi boleh pulak dia cakap.."Cotton je?Miskin ke?"...Eh..Hello!!!!!Saya beli kain kebaya ni from Indon and kain cotton ni from India, okay????Melaser pulakkan kakak ni. Nasib baik saya ni kategori insan yang penyabar. Sambil tersenyum saya jawab "Biasalah kak...cikgu je..Mana mampu.."

Google translation:
Dahlah time I send him clothes tu no talk things fairly laser la jugak. But I took it as a joke because you parents. Can pulak he derided my Indian cotton cloth. He asked I just love to cotton fabric, then I said yes. Yela .. .. hard smooth cloth iron Nak kena la ... nak kena wash hands la pulak .... But can he talk .. "Cotton je? Poor to Eh ?"... .. Hello! ! I bought a kebaya cloth from Indon ni ni and cotton cloth from India, okay? Melaser pulakkan sister ni. Fortunately I ni categories of human suffering. I answer with a smile "Biasalah kak je cikgu ... .. Where can .."

I wrote:
Terkedu sebentar. Amin!Then we went back and spent time together borak-borak sebab malam tu dah nak kena balik Terengganu. Rasa macam tak nak balik. lagi-lagi when he said: "B, you tak payah la balik." Dang! Terus berkaca mata saya. I wish I could. But I have to work. Anak-anak saya tengah tunggu saya kat sekolah. Sabar ye sayang, cuti sekolah nanti I balik lagi. Tak lama. Khamis ni je. Sabar tau.

Google translation:
Terkedu moment. Amin! Then we went back and spent time together because night chat-chat tu dah nak kena balik Terengganu. Feel like tak nak balik. again when he said: "B, you do not struggle back la." Dang! Continue to look in the mirror my eyes. I wish I could. But I have to work. My children wait for my middle school kat. Ye steadfast love, I leave school later back again. Not long. Thursday ni je. Patient tau.

Hello!!!Makhluk mana la yang buat translation macam ni? Sangat kelakar. Okay ade lagi satu.

I wrote:
Semacam dah tak boleh tahan lagi. Sangat merindui anak-anak sedara. Semua!!Fatihah, Aliah, Iman, Farisya, Danish, Dania, Najwa, Saifullah, Saifuddin, Khadijah, Qistina and Sufi. Ya ampun...Cikma rindu sangat dekat kamu semua. They are all like my friends bila dekat rumah. Melihat telatah masing-masing memang mencuit hati. Dahla kamu semua sangat comel dan adorable, tahu? Bila nak jumpa ni...Cikma takde cuti la sayang. Hopefully kakak,oya,farisya,wawa, iman, bang bok and danish..rajin-rajin pergi sekolah..Nanti teacher marah..Macam mana la Farisya..how's her life at new school?Haih~Semua skali..Cikma rindu sangat nih..Aduh..bila la Cikma dapat balik...

Google translation:
Like dah can not hold more. Very misses children sedara. All! Fatihah, Aliah, Faith, Farisya, Danish, Dania, Nicole, Saifullah, Saifuddin, Khadijah, Qistina and Sufi. My goodness ... Cikma rindu very near you. They are all like my friends when near home. Ones to see their hearts really mencuit. Dahla you all very Cute and adorable, know? When I find ... Cikma ni takde la love holidays. Hopefully sister, oya, farisya, wawa, faith, and Danish bok bang-hard go hard .. .. Nanti school teacher angry .. How Farisya la .. how's life at her new school? Haih ~ All skali .. Cikma rindu very nih .. Oops .. la Cikma be back when ...

That's really really funny! Kalau mat salleh translate, bayangkan apa yang diaorang baca...Kelakar! Jap..nak sambung gelak lagi!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 26, 2010


Okay..I admit that I took a wrong step. You know...in life, sometimes I need to make mistakes so that I could learn myself as who I am. Sekarang saya rasa sangat bersyukur because I'd actually found someone that really really loves me. Dia sentiasa ada dengan saya selama ni. Even though he did sometimes hurt me, but he loves me. It just me who didn't realize all that.
Last night he told me that he is going to Senai next week for an interview. At first I doubted to let him go. What if he'll get that job? Then he will be going to Johor. Once again, I was just being too paranoid. Oh..come on Akma...grow up!!!! But as long as we love each other, there should be nothing to be worried of. And I'm sick and tired of being paranoid. I don't need it anymore.
He had taught me so much about love. He makes me realized that love is about commitment. Love is about putting someone else before myself. Love is about sacrifice, putting someone else first. Love is selfless. Love is the joy of giving. Love is a feeling that grows over time as it is nourished. So now, I should give him chance to improve himself, to boost his career. He needs me. He needs my support. And so do I. I need him. I need his support too. And we actually need each other.
But don't worry baby. Our memories will always keep me alive. No matter how far we will be apart, one thing will sure keep me alive..It's our MEMORIES. When I think about you, it's our memories that come to my mind. It will trap me in a space of time masa kita menghabiskan masa together. I have no photographers to see but your picture is with me..always. No one knows the depth from which my heart can love you..hanya tuhan saja yang tahu.
Sekarang ni, faithfulness is what we need in order to keep ourselves together tak kira berapa jauh pun kita berada. But now...one thing for sure is..I miss you a lot, dear...

Still remember this moment, honey?

Please pray for our happiness.

Yay!!! Comel!

Saya suka bila saya online. Nak tau kenapa? Sbb... sila tengok gambar di bawah:

Comel kan? I love pastel colours so much. Plus the cupcakes...cute isn't it? That's why la hari-hari nak sentiasa online.Wee~

March 25, 2010

Have you ever...............................................

had a feeling that something is not going right but at the same time you feel like everything is just fine? I know that I didn't make the right decision. I cannot live even for a second without him. I just can't. And please don't ask me why.

March 20, 2010

I'm giving up.

Yes. This is not the first time saya kena mengalah dengan kawan-kawan awak. There. I let you go. Pergilah dekat kawan-kawan yang awak boleh jumpa almost every week. Hope kali ni I could really really forget about him. I could erase all the memories that we cherished together..I know that this might take times. But I'll try.

Saya give up. The question is.....am I doing the right thing?

March 19, 2010

Betul ke?

Hi everyone! Hari ni terasa macam nak bergossip la..Boleh ke? Boleh kan aje...Layan!!!
Well.....Betul ke dalam dunia ni kita kena cari person who loves you more than you love him/her?So hari ni Cikmai nak berkongsi cerita, happened to my friend.
Okay.....Kawan Cikmai ni memang tengah terasa hati dan tengah berfikir-fikir la jugak tentang future dia. This girl memang dah ada someone special. Memang sangat special tau this guy dalam hidup my friend ni. This girl memang sanggup buat apa saja untuk buah hati pengarang jantung dia ni. As far as I can see, their relationship ni sort of like tak balance la. Sebab apa yang I tengok, this girl memang nampak terhegeh-hegeh la dekat laki ni. Even tinggal jauh, tapi sanggup berkorban semata-mata nak jumpa buah hati dia. Yang laki ni nak ajak this girl keluar, jauh sekali..Apatah lagi nak datang jumpa. Kesian kan?
So baru-baru ni kawan saya ni baru dapat tau yang masa mula-mula couple dulu, guy ni still in relationship with his ex. This guy dumped his ex because of my friend. Bila kawan saya ni dapat tahu, dia terasa la. Yela..kawan Cikmai ni pernah cakap, benda yang dia takkan buat dalam dunia ni is stealing a guy from a girl. Lagi-lagi perempuan tu kawan kepada kawan saya ni. Kawan saya ni bukan seorang perampas sebab dia tahu macam mana rasanya kalau benda yang sama happened to her. Kawan saya ni dah rasa dia macam betrayer. Yang kawan saya jadi bertambah sedih, bila she asked his boyfriend about this, jawapan yang dia dapat agak membuatkan hati dia sedikit terguris la. Yela..this girl harapkan yang this guy ni betul-betul fall in love with her macam apa yang this girl rasa towards this guy. Tapi his boyfriend said dia minta maaf...You know why? Sebab dia TERlebih layan kawan saya ni. Masa baru-baru couple dulu dia memang masih lagi ada hubungan dengan his ex. Tapi sebab dia dah TERlebih layan...kawan saya ni pun mati-mati la ingat kan dia dah fell in love with her. And kawan saya ni betul-betul tak tahu yang this guy still in relationship sebabnya this guy ni cakap ex dia dah dumped dia for other guy. Yela...even benda ni dah lama, tapi kawan saya tu sedih la because selama ni dia salah anggap dengan this guy's ex.
Tapi saya cakap kat kawan saya ni....ada baiknya dia dah tahu perkara ni. Better late than never, isn't it? Saya cakap kat dia, ada hikmahnya dia dapat tahu benda ni. Now dia dah tahu kenapa relationship dia sort of like tak balance. Now kawan saya ni dah tahu kenapa dia sorang je terhegeh-hegeh kat this guy.
Sekarang ni pula, ada one guy yang tengah nak try to win my friend's heart. Dia memang sanggup buat apa saja untuk kawan saya ni. But kawan saya ni tak boleh nak fall for this guy. Bukan sebab laki ni tak handsome and tak high educated. Tapi sebab kawan saya ni semacam dah sealed hati dia untuk other guy. I did tell my friend to try to give that guy a chance and try to open her heart for other guy. Tapi tak berjaya. Kawan saya ni sayang sangat la dekat buah hati dia. Keras hati betul.
Sekarang ni kawan saya tu dah mula rasa yang dia nak hidup sorang-sorang sampai tua. In other words, she doesn't want to get married. Dia dah mula rasa tak yakin dengan relationship yang dia ada sekarang ni. And dia dah mula rasa give up. Tapi saya ada nasihatkan dia to go on dengan relation yang dia ada sekarang ni but jangan berharap apa-apa from her guy. Kawan saya ni masih lagi sanggup berkorban apa pun untuk this guy. Boleh pulak dia cakap tak pe la asalkan buah hati dia happy sedangkan dia menangis..Ishk!
Jadi apa pendapat korang? Macam mana nak nasihatkan kawan saya ni? Kesian tau dia selalu sangat makan hati. Cikmai tengok dia sekarang ni dah makin kurus dah tapi boyfriend dia makin berisi. Mana tak kurus, hati tak tenang..So..apa pendapat korang?

March 18, 2010

Kalau tak pandai...Jangan nak berlagak pandai!!!!!!

Geram!! Marah!!! Nasib baik la you are older than me. Disebabkan rasa hormat dekat orang tua, saya redha aje. Mahunya tak marah. 2 pasang baju saya hantar jahit rosak kedua-duanya. Kalau kain murah tak apalah. I love that kain so much because I'm gonna wear it during my BFF's engagement day nanti. But then kena hantar tailor yang lebih professional, kena jahit balik. Kesian tailor ni sebab kena buka balik jahitan and remake balik.
So dalam dunia ni...kalau kita tak pandai nak buat sesuatu, jangan la nak berlagak macam kita pandai nak buat. Siap cakap pandai jahit baju pengantin la...pandai jahit baju fesyen la..orang nak kahwin pun tempah baju kat akak la..itula...inila...Damn~ You were really good in convincing people. Citttt porah!!!!! Habuk tadak. Dah la ambil masa sebulan nak siapkan, dah tu hasilnya macam buat dalam satu malam aje. You don't have to act like you are a professional if you are just a beginner..or should I say you don't know how to be a tailor.
Dahlah masa saya hantar baju tu dia ada cakap benda yang agak laser la jugak. But I took it as a joke because kau orang tua. Boleh pulak dia mempersendakan kain cotton India saya. Dia tanya saya memang suka kain cotton ke, then I said yes. Yela..kain licin susah..Nak kena iron la...nak kena basuh tangan la....Tapi boleh pulak dia cakap.."Cotton je?Miskin ke?"...Eh..Hello!!!!!Saya beli kain kebaya ni from Indon and kain cotton ni from India, okay????Melaser pulakkan kakak ni. Nasib baik saya ni kategori insan yang penyabar. Sambil tersenyum saya jawab "Biasalah kak...cikgu je..Mana mampu.."
Maka...dengan ini saya bersumpah takkan hantar lagi kain dekat tailor yang bernama Kak Lah. Baiklah hantar dekat tailor I kat Melaka ni. It's worth to spend 100 bucks for a baju kurung yang sangat selesa dan tak perlu diremake.
Pengajarannya jangan percaya dengan kata-kata manis seorang orang tua yang berlagak pandai. Nasib baik kau orang tua. I will never ever trust you, makcik!
Geramnya saya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is it so hard to find true friends?

Many people are lonely. Even though they meet with other people everyday, but they couldn't find their true friends. Do you ever face the similar experience? I do. I don't know why, recently I realized that it is really hard for me to find true friends. Why?

Finding true friends seems as though it would be a relatively simple task for most of us, after all, we are a very what I called "sociable species". Friends can easily be found through internet, like from friendster, facebook, twitter, or even blogger itself. But why is it so hard to find a friend that will never leave you in any kind of situation? I keep on thinking about this and end up by finding answers which I think could be the reason why.

It is not easy to build a sincere friendship that could last forever and ever. There maybe somewhere in the mix of forming relationships or friendships certain issues will arise and eventually could kill a friendship quickly. It could be dishonesty or maybe jealosy or hundreds other personality traits that are less than admirable. While I tend to gravitate toward those with values similar to my own when socializing, it is hard to determine what is truly inside of a person's heart and mind. I'm not a psychic that has a supernatural powers that could read other's mind. You see.....everyone enjoys presenting themselves well, but that does not necessarily mean that what you see is what you get when it comes to making friends. It can take years to truly come to know another person, and when we do it is very possible it turns out they are someone we really don't want to know.

But sometimes you don't have to take years to get to know other person when there is a give and take situations. When sincerity conquers all. Not only sincerity, the essence of true friendship lies in any number of personal attributes like loyalty, respect, humor, empathy, compassion and honesty, which are simply not present in all people. It is hard to find true friends because it is hard to find true people in general, who are willing to share openly and honestly and expect to receive the same in return.

When I think back, I admit that I miss my life as a student. Why? Because I have a lot of friends to cherish every moments. But.....do they really my true friends? I don't think so. They're maybe just my friends. Once they left college, they also left the happiness, the moments, the friendships. Once they found their life, either they happy or not, they seems like forgetting me. Well..it's not that I don't have true friends. I do. But it just that.................hmmm...it's so complicated for me to explain. Bukankah kawan yang sejati should share every moments together? Not only when we are in trouble. Please ladies....and gentlemen...Don't let the friendships to be influenced by gratification.
Think, think and think. Or is it because of me? Nope. Not me. I keep thinking about you, you, you, and you...Oh...please don't put "Busy" as your surname. It's just a damn typical old grandmother reason. And please..don't let your popularity screw up everything. There's nothing to be proud of. God can take it away from you in just a second.

Okay...sekarang dah tahu siapa kawan saya yang sejati. I do have a lots of friends but only now I realized which one is my true friends. Do I have to make a list here? Better not. Why? Eh...siapa yang makan cili, dialah yang terasa pedas. Isn't it? Sayang...bukan you la. Jangan la perasan pulak. Tet!! Need to sleep. Ngantuks~

Pardon me for the typo error...I'm so damn sleepy..

March 17, 2010

Bas ekspress kah??

Mari update blog!!Yay!! Hari Ahad hari tu Blacky telah menjadi seperti bas ekspress. Yezza! Dari Melaka ke Seremban, Seremban ke KL. Pastu KL ke Seremban, then ke Melaka. Poor him. Tapi Blacky sangat kuat dan gagah just like the driver. Wee~
Let's start the story. Last Sunday, I jalan-jalan you! Pukul 8.30 pagi dah bertolak ke Seremban. Bawa my lil bro sekali. Mula-mula nak drop die sampai Seremban je tapi...tetiba dengan tak sengaja, rajin telah datang. Maka, pergi ke rumah Kak Shila and culik Qistina sekejap. Then pecut ke KL Sentral untuk hantar adik. Lepas tu dengan yakin drive ke KLCC untuk bawa Qistina ke Aquaria. Mula-mula nak bawa Qistina ke Jusco Seremban 2 je. Tapi bila tanya dia"Kakak nak pergi mana?". Then dia jawab "KLCC". Cik Ma kan sayang semua anak-anak Cik Ma. So tanpa buang masa, pergi membawa Qistina ke KLCC. Yes! Berjaya sampai ke KLCC tanpa sesat pun. Baik! Boleh bangga sekarang! Yela. First time tu bawak kereta sorang-sorang kat KL. Memangla Qistina ada..tapi baru 2 tahun..apela yang dia tahu..kan?kan?kan?
Sampai je KLCC kepala pun mula terasa pening. Tersangat ramai orang!!!!! Sebelum bertambah pening, terus menuju ke destinasi. Dengan membawa bag baby yang berisi thermos, air, botol susu, susu, baju dan pampers sambil mendukung Qistina dan membawa handbag. Wah! Seorang ibu yang sangat gagah dan berjaya. Sampai kat entrance, one of the staff asked me a question. "Sorang je ke kak? Suami mana?" I was just smiling and said " Husband pergi outstation". There! Ntah bila masa ntah saya bernikah. Iyo kan jo lah!!!
Then masa kat dalam Aquaria, terjumpa one tourist from Australia. We had a chat.

Tourist: Your daughter is cute. How old is she?
Me : Two years old.
Tourist: Wait. You look like you're fourteen. How come you already had a daughter? How old are you, actually?
Me: I'm 24.
Tourist: Whoa! I thought you were fourteen.

See? I'm training myself to become a mother. Nanti dah pergi pedalaman, beranak sorang-sorang, tak de orang nak tolong. Kena jaga anak sendiri. Tapikan.....bila la pulak saya nak kahwin? Aduh~

March 11, 2010

OMG!! Gaduh ke????

Tak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tidak sama sekali. Tidak terlintas langsung nak bergaduh or cari gaduh, okay? Salah ke kalau sometimes I cakap yang I ni kecil hati? Hey, I'm just a human being la. Same like you, you and you. Oh not to forget..and You! Ishk!! I hate this feeling. I'm now trying so hard to get rid of it. So suffocated! And it's getting harder to breathe. Sabar...sabar...Sabar????? Kadang-kadang hilang juga sabar ni. Tapi tak lah sampai let out everything because I'm not like that. I just let it out through my tears. Girl is synonim to tears while guy is synonim to the E to the G to the O. Am I right? Hmmm.... halangan, rintangan, dugaan. Benda yang tak dapat nak dielakkan dalam sesuatu hubungan.

I need to pack my stuffs. I'm going back tonight. Yay!

Oh, dah lama maafkan u..ever since that day when I gave my heart to you, sayang.

March 07, 2010

Saya berasa sangat happy!

Last weekend I went back to see my beloved Mr. Z. Sangat teruja dan happy even ada la certain things yang agak tidak menggembirakan hati. Tapi bisa diatur. Sedangkan lidah lagi tergigit, inikan pula saya dan dia. Haha. By the way, thanks Anez sayang sebab bagi I stay kat your place. Next time nanti I masakkan lagi. Okay?
On Thursday, I spent almost of my time with him. We had our lunch at Manhattan Fish Market and celebrating our 4th year of anni. Some people might say: Apela sambut anni. Perlukah nak ingat anniversary tu? Belum kahwin pun.
But for me, PERLU. Sebab setiap perkara yang kami lakukan bersama adalah kenangan yang tak kan dapat kami lupakan sampai bila-bila. Oh, mungkin anda anggap saya angau atau mungkin anda menganggap saya mengada-ngada. Terpulang pada anda. Apa yang penting, masing-masing sudah pun serious dengan relation ni. Doakan kami cepat-cepat menghalalkan apa yang patut kami halalkan. InsyaAllah kalau ada rezeki, akan dipercepatkan. Yang penting keikhlasan dan restu keluarga. Anyways, thanks dear for that Anna Sui. Really love it!
I had a very very great weekend. Plus, dapat jumpa Farini and hang out together sambil dapat membeli sepasang kasut from Charles and Keith. Wee~Dan yang paling best went to Hutan Lipur Kanching with him. We were having picnic. Romantik you! Haha. Membuat survey kat tempat tersebut untuk his big family gathering. Overall, okay la. Memang sesuai buat family event and mandi-manda. Air terjun die pun cantik. Saya tersangat gigih mendaki anak-anak tangga ke air terjun dengan memakai high-heels. Ye, kasut bertumit tinggi. Berdenyut-denyut tumit saya. Rasa like I was losing my feet for a while. Nasib baik pembakar semangat saya yang macam Jason Mraz (bak kata tuan empunya badan sendiri) tu ada. If not, dah tentu-tentu saya tak kan gigih nak memanjat anak tangga tersebut dengan membawa tikar, bag camera si dia dan pelbagai makanan. Mr. Z bergambar sakan. Maklumlah..dah ada second girlfriend.

Me: Sayang ke camera ni?
Him: Of course! This is my second girlfriend.
Me: Habis tu I?
Him: You wife I.

Terkedu sebentar. Amin!Then we went back and spent time together borak-borak sebab malam tu dah nak kena balik Terengganu. Rasa macam tak nak balik. lagi-lagi when he said: "B, you tak payah la balik." Dang! Terus berkaca mata saya. I wish I could. But I have to work. Anak-anak saya tengah tunggu saya kat sekolah. Sabar ye sayang, cuti sekolah nanti I balik lagi. Tak lama. Khamis ni je. Sabar tau.

Him: Impian pertama I dah tercapai.
Me: Apenye?
Him: Beli camera. Tinggal impian kedua je belum tercapai lagi.
Me: Apenye?
Him: Kahwin.

Everyday I doakan you. Kita sama-sama doa semoga impian kita tercapai.

p/s: Ada sesiapa yang nak sponsor kami? Farini, jadi kan pakej honeymoon kami ke Korea? yay!! Gambar akan dikongsi kemudian. Harap maklum.